Numerology is believed to have been around for over 10,000 years. Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, has been recognized as its modern day father and there are also strong links with the Hebrew Kabbalah. The link between these ancient day studies and the revival of Numerology at the turn of the 20th century is however quite vague. A few people are responsible for bringing it into the 20th Century and by far the most complete study on the subject in the last 20-30 years has been from Matthew Oliver Goodwin who wrote 2 books entitled 'Numerology, the complete guide'. My teacher, Didier Boyer, learnt from Matthew's books and managed to take the study even further, expanding on his insights and showing a great deal of intuition, understanding and wisdom! Unfortunately, he didn't write any books himself.
I purposely haven’t spent a great deal of time investigating the history of Numerology. I was more interested in how and why it worked. I decided after doing hundreds and hundreds of readings myself, that, without any doubt it works. That doesn’t mean that it always makes complete sense. A system that interprets human behaviour couldn’t possibly! If it did follow a scientific structure it would undermine and contradict the erratic and complicated nature of human beings. For this reason it is up to me as a Numerologist, to predict the circumstances / behaviour of my clients using my intuition combined with an interpretation of the numbers.